based on 438 reviews
Terbaik dan pantas
Service terbaik
good service..staff sgt peramah dan helpful
Peramah Dan baik hati
pekerja layan costumer dgn baik
Good experience of 1st time buyer
Layanan bagus
Bagus staffnya, memberi keterangan yang jelas dan senang difahami. + Ramah lah staff d situ. Alhamdulillah😁👍🏻✨
Tq kepada imika labuan kerana memberikan saya harga yang mampu milik dan servis penghantaran yang cepat🙌🏻🙌🏻
Imika Labuan the best 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Layanan yang baik & penerangan yg bagus👍🏻❤️🔥
Excellent service and well imformed about the laptop which make it easier to choose 🤭 Thank you for the free gifts
layanan yang pn mantap👍🏻
suasana baik dan layanan bagus
Good service... friendly staffs
Sy beli combo laptop + printer, yg penting harga berbaloi dan byk free gift. Layanan seller terbaik dan semua memuaskan. Tq IMIKA Labuan. Semoga business trus success.... More
Sy beli combo laptop + printer, yg penting harga berbaloi dan byk free gift. Layanan seller terbaik dan semua memuaskan. Tq IMIKA Labuan. Semoga business trus success. Less
Terima kasih IMIKA Labuan sudah bantu selesaikan masalah saya untuk dapatkan laptop terbaik. Sangat berpuas hati. Staff semua baik-baik.
very good service and affordable!
The best customer service and friendly staff Got a great deal with warranty and after sale service Also got the great promo I want to give 10 stars if i can... More
The best customer service and friendly staff Got a great deal with warranty and after sale service Also got the great promo I want to give 10 stars if i can Less
Service terbaik dan penerangan jelas serta lengkap. TERBAIK!!
Friendly seller..Good price with awesome product.
very good & the staff very friendly
Mesra pelanggan, memberi idea dan cadangan yang baik untuk baiki laptop. Suasana tempat yang bersih dan tenang.
Julie Rauf.. Berpuas hati dg Imika.harga amat berpatutan ..terima kasih ☺️
Pelayanan di imika memang terbaik♥️♥️♥️ 21 Ogos 2024
18 Ogos 2024 Chromebook Layanan memuaskan -Intan-
Name:Yatie Date:17/08/2024 Feedback : Laptop yang menyedia kan harga mampu milik ..terima kasih imika labuan layan biar pun last minute datang
Tarikh : 11/8/2024 staff : Intan Noraida Aini model : Hp probook + printer staff peramah, kakak comel dpt harga berpatutan🤙
Puas hati. Pembelian 2biji liptop rm 199.staf bertugas sangat peramah. Good service. Syabas
03/04/2024 Intan HP 645 G5 RYZEN RECOMMEND 🌟🌟
28/3/2024 Intan laptop lenovo N22
28/3/24 Lenovo ThinkPad 11E Nurwisah Great deals mmg murah tq wisah
27/03/24 iPad Air 2 Nurwisah seller Great place to shop great ambiance
24 Mac 2024 Ferra Laptop hp Probook Belian yang terbaik untuk pembelajaran anak (Translated by Google) March 24, 2024 Ferra Laptop hp Probook Buy the best for your child's learning... More
24 Mac 2024 Ferra Laptop hp Probook Belian yang terbaik untuk pembelajaran anak (Translated by Google) March 24, 2024 Ferra Laptop hp Probook Buy the best for your child's learning Less
23/03/2024 Nurwisah Dellatitude 5480 TQ IMIKA LABUAN The best deal👍
21/3/24 HP640 seller Nurwisah good service tq
17/3/24 Nurwisah DELL LATITUDE E5430 God job
09.03.2024 intan ipad mini 4 urusan pembelian cepat dan mudah (Translated by Google) 09.03.2024 diamond iPad mini 4 quick and easy purchase
23/02/2024 Zithboy HP Chromebook Best tech with seller👍
22/02/2024 zithvoy Dell 5400 mantul
NURWISAH LENOVO YOGA 11E FREE IPAD AIR MMG BERBALOI TQ wisah sebab bagi free gift yang banyak (Translated by Google) NURSING LENOVO YOGA 11E FREE IPAD AIR MMG WORTH TQ wisah because of the many free gifts... More
NURWISAH LENOVO YOGA 11E FREE IPAD AIR MMG BERBALOI TQ wisah sebab bagi free gift yang banyak (Translated by Google) NURSING LENOVO YOGA 11E FREE IPAD AIR MMG WORTH TQ wisah because of the many free gifts Less
18 feb 2024 fera ipad air
17.02.24 Zithboy , Ssd/Format service lajuu 👍
16/2/2024, ferra , lenovo t460 , GOOD SERVICE
16/2/24 zithboy chromebook best service
15 FEB 24- Nur wisah. Lenovo pikaso gaming. Terima kasih wisah dan fira 👍🏻
14/2/24 NURWISAH LENOVO THINKPAD 11E FREE IPAD AIR DAN PRINTE saya sudah beli laptop dan dapat percuma ipad (Translated by Google) 14/2/24 NURSING LENOVO THINKPAD 11E FREE IPAD WATER AND PRINT I already bought a laptop and got a free iPad... More
14/2/24 NURWISAH LENOVO THINKPAD 11E FREE IPAD AIR DAN PRINTE saya sudah beli laptop dan dapat percuma ipad (Translated by Google) 14/2/24 NURSING LENOVO THINKPAD 11E FREE IPAD WATER AND PRINT I already bought a laptop and got a free iPad Less
14/2/2024 ferra laptop 11eyoga, happy valentine ferra..thank you
10/2/24 Nurwisah 2unit lenovo 11 E Free printer & ipad A Service terbaik&laptop berkualiti (Translated by Google) 10/2/24 Nurwisah 2 lenovo 11 E units Free printer & ipad A Best service & quality laptop... More
10/2/24 Nurwisah 2unit lenovo 11 E Free printer & ipad A Service terbaik&laptop berkualiti (Translated by Google) 10/2/24 Nurwisah 2 lenovo 11 E units Free printer & ipad A Best service & quality laptop Less
10 /2/2024 Fera Lenovo 11e yoga BEST THE PRODUK
9 february 2024 Intan Dell Lattitude E7270 The staff is very friendly and helpfull specially Intan. 👍
9/02 ZitHBoy E7270 Affordable price with a few freegifts. The seller is friendly and good in promoting the goods
Intan 7.2.2024 Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga 11e Best customer service, the staff are friendly and the price also is affordable.
5/2/24 Nurwisah Hp Chromebook free ipad air Bagus servis staff
05/02/2024 Ferra Lenovo 11e Yoga Best customer service & friendly, product come with good warranty & after sales service. Recommended seller👍👍👍
5.FEBRUARI.2024 Fera Dell:7470 & ipad mini 4,free printer
05022024 Ferra iPad 6 Terbaikkk👍 (Translated by Google) 05022024 Ferra iPad 6 The best 👍
Service cepat
Nurwisah 31/1/2024 Dell latitude Free ipad Vivo v11 Harga berbaloi… Sgt berpuas hati & murah (Translated by Google) Nurwisah 31/1/2024 Dell latitude Free ipad Vivo v11 Worth the price… Very satisfied & cheap... More
Nurwisah 31/1/2024 Dell latitude Free ipad Vivo v11 Harga berbaloi… Sgt berpuas hati & murah (Translated by Google) Nurwisah 31/1/2024 Dell latitude Free ipad Vivo v11 Worth the price… Very satisfied & cheap Less
29Jan2024 Ferra Hp chromebook dan ipad mini 4 Nanti lainkali saya datang lagi 🤣 (Translated by Google) 29 Jan 2024 Ferra Hp chromebook and ipad mini 4 I will come again next time 🤣... More
29Jan2024 Ferra Hp chromebook dan ipad mini 4 Nanti lainkali saya datang lagi 🤣 (Translated by Google) 29 Jan 2024 Ferra Hp chromebook and ipad mini 4 I will come again next time 🤣 Less
26 January 2024 Ferra HPryzen5Pro Dan iPad Mini 4
25 january ferra hp elite book dan ipad air (Translated by Google) 25 January ferra hp elite book and ipad air
20.1.2024 Nurwilsah Lenovo X280 Free Ipad
20 Januari 2024 Ferra Asus crome book & ipad Air
19/01/2024 Ferra HP probook dan iPad air 1 (Translated by Google) 19/01/2024 Ferra HP probook and iPad air 1
16/01/24 Nurwisah Oppo F5 Imika terbaik
Zithboy 16.01.24 iPad air2
13/1/2023 Nurwisah Ipad 6
13/1/2024 darious swades ipad6
11/1/24 NURWISAH LENOVO 11e free ipad air 2 Harga yg berbaloi👍👍👍👍👍
8/1/24 Nurwisah Hp chromebook free ipad air Good service
Zithboy 070124 Backu n format
Tarikh : 07.01.2024 Staff : Muazzam Review : Alhamdulillah..harga berpatutan & berbaloi. Teruskan membantu dengan harga murah. (Translated by Google) Date : 07.01.2024 Staff: Awesome Review : Alhamdulillah.. reasonable price & worth it. Keep helping with cheap prices.... More
Tarikh : 07.01.2024 Staff : Muazzam Review : Alhamdulillah..harga berpatutan & berbaloi. Teruskan membantu dengan harga murah. (Translated by Google) Date : 07.01.2024 Staff: Awesome Review : Alhamdulillah.. reasonable price & worth it. Keep helping with cheap prices. Less
Zithboy 070124 service backup n format ssd 256gb
Sales darious swardee Model hp 360 Date 07.01.24 Servis terbaik..mesra pelanggan..
Good and fast service
6/1/24 Nurwisah HP probook 645 G2 Sangat berpuas hati dngn lyanan staff dan pembelian yang sangat berbaloi (Translated by Google) 6/1/24 Nurwisah HP probook 645 G2 Very satisfied with the service of the staff and a very worthwhile purchase... More
6/1/24 Nurwisah HP probook 645 G2 Sangat berpuas hati dngn lyanan staff dan pembelian yang sangat berbaloi (Translated by Google) 6/1/24 Nurwisah HP probook 645 G2 Very satisfied with the service of the staff and a very worthwhile purchase Less
6/1/2024 Ferra HP Product Ryzen
Sales ferra Model probook hp Date 06 .01.24
19.03.24 Ferra Ipad air 2 Terbaekkk 👍🏼 (Translated by Google) 19.03.24 Ferra Ipad water 2 The best 👍🏼
Tarikh : 05.01.2024 Staff : En. Muazzam Review : Good service & price👍
Tarikh : 05.01.2024 Staff : En Muazzam Review : Good service and price😍
Zithboy 050124 Hp probook 640
intan 3jan24 Hp probook 645g4 Terbaikkk❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎ (Translated by Google) diamond 3jan24 Hp probook 645g4 The best❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
2/1/2023 sales: Nurwisah Ipad 6 Komen: good service
Zithboy 02.01.24 Backup m format
Intan Service laptop 2 January 2024
Intan Service laptop 1 January 2024 (Translated by Google) Diamond Laptop service January 1, 2024
31 dec 2023 Ferra Hp probook dan ipad air 2 Bagus seller di imika ne👍
Zithboy 311223 Format n backup.. ssd 512gb
31/12/2023 Nurwisah salesperson IPAD AIR 2 & VIVO V11 good service.
Zithboy 29.12.23 Backup n format.. SSD 512gb
Sales darious swardee Model ipad air 2 Date 26.12.23
26 dec 23 Nurwisah Ipad air Good service
Sales zithboy Model format Date 26,12,23
25 Dec 2023 Ferra - ipad air2
24/12/23 Nurwisah Ipad air (Translated by Google) 12/24/23 Nurwisah Ipad water
Sales darious swardee Model HP streem Dato' 24.12.23
23 Dec 2023 Ferra 2- ipad mini 4 2- ipad air 2 Beli 4 iPad dari imika Labuan. Tq imika (Translated by Google) 23 Dec 2023 Ferra 2- ipad mini 4 2- ipad air 2 Buy 4 iPads from imika Labuan. Thank you... More
23 Dec 2023 Ferra 2- ipad mini 4 2- ipad air 2 Beli 4 iPad dari imika Labuan. Tq imika (Translated by Google) 23 Dec 2023 Ferra 2- ipad mini 4 2- ipad air 2 Buy 4 iPads from imika Labuan. Thank you Less
23/12/23 ipad air sales person nurwisah service best dan friendly staff
23dec2023 ferra ipad air dan ipad air 2 (Translated by Google) 23dec2023 ferra ipad air and ipad air 2
Sales darious awardee Model hp x360 Date 22.12.23
21/12/23 Saler Nurwisah ipad Air 2 Great service and worth buying tqqq
Darious 20.12.2023 iPad AG2 Terbaik.. Servis mantap.. Staf pun good punya..
Sales nurwisah Model HP stream book Date 20.12.23
sales darious model ipad mini date 19/12/23
Zithboy 18.12.23 Service format n backup.. ssd 512gb
Shamirudin , dell latitude 7490 18.12.23
18/12/23 Ferra, ipad Air 2.
17/12/23 Nurwisah HP MT44 & UPGRADE STORAGE TO M.2 256GB
17/12/23 hp streambook saler Nurwisah Good service friendly staff
15.12.23 ferra ipad A2 TERBAIKKK👍👍👍 (Translated by Google) 15.12.23 ferra ipad A2 THE BEST 👍👍👍
14/11 ferra HP probook amdryzen Besttt and nicee🫶
13/12/23 Nurwisah HP 645 G2 Best service and friendly staff
Sales darious swardee Model Lenovo 11e n iPad mini 4 Date 13.12.23
12/12/23 nurwisah lenovo chromebook 300E dan ipad air Mantap Service terbaik
Sales nurwisah Model dell 7390 Date 11,12,23
11.12.2023 ferra dell latitud 5490 perkhidmatan terbaik👍 (Translated by Google) 11.12.2023 ferra dell latitude 5490 best service👍
10/12/2023 ferra- hp450G2 - recomended - servis terbaik - sangat membantu - tq Ferra
10/12/23 Nurwisah Hp probook 645 G2
sales darious swardee model ipad air 2 date 09,12,23
Sales darious swardee Model Lenovo mini CPU Date 8.12.23
07dec2023 hp amd ryzen 5 pro ferra best price for the best storage !
Sales zithboy Backup laptop Date 6/12/23
4/12/2023 Ferra Oppo f5 Telah beli dia smartphone
3 december ferra dell 7490 highly recomended
Zithboy 03.11.23 Backup and format ssd 1tb
Shamirudin Lenovo Thinkpad 11e Date 03/12/2023 Lovely pekerja frinedly belu laptop murah tpi banyakk free gift suka sangatt loveee (Translated by Google) Shamiruddin Lenovo Thinkpad 11e Date 03/12/2023 Lovely frinedly employees without a cheap laptop but lots of free gifts, I really like it, loveee... More
Shamirudin Lenovo Thinkpad 11e Date 03/12/2023 Lovely pekerja frinedly belu laptop murah tpi banyakk free gift suka sangatt loveee (Translated by Google) Shamiruddin Lenovo Thinkpad 11e Date 03/12/2023 Lovely frinedly employees without a cheap laptop but lots of free gifts, I really like it, loveee Less
Sales nurwisah Model lenovo chrome 300e Date 02/12/23
Sales darious swardee Model lenovo chrome 300e Date 2/12/23
1 dec 2023 ferra air pad 2 ok
1 December Ferra , Lenovo300e. Terbaik (Translated by Google) 1 December Ferra , Lenovo300e. The best
27nov 2023 Ferra Lenovo x270 Harga terbaik!!
Shamirudin Date : 26/11/2023 Ipad Air 2
25/11/23 Nurwisah HP PROBOOK 645 G4 Okay
Zithboy Lenovo ThinkPad t460 25.11.23
24 November 2023 Ferra Dell 7470 The best deal you can get - laptop +printer in one price. Good service. Really recommended.
Name darious swardee Model lenovo x270 Date 24.11.23
Nur wisah 21/11/2023 Hp pro book Imika terbaik
Nurwisah 20/11/2023 laptop dell reseller terbaik dan memuaskan
19.11.2023 Ferra ipad Air
The best place to buy laptop.nurwisah.lenovo 100E.19.11.23
Salesperson nuwisyah Laptop hp 450 Mantap layanan . Puas hati.
17nov 2023 Ferra Lenovo 100E 4/64Gb SSD Terbaiklah seller😁
ZitHBoy Back up and Format M.2 SSD Replacement
Thank you for your assistance Nurwisah, good service and smooth transaction -Hp 640
sales darious swardee model hp zbook 8gen date 10,nov 23
Shamirudin ( Thinkpad X270 Lenovo ) 9/11/23 Its a very good shop that i can get free printer while buying a laptop with reasonable price… and the staff service to be honest is tip top 👍🏻... More
Shamirudin ( Thinkpad X270 Lenovo ) 9/11/23 Its a very good shop that i can get free printer while buying a laptop with reasonable price… and the staff service to be honest is tip top 👍🏻 Less
8 nov 2023. Ferra. Dell latitude 5490.. Best buy. Best prize+free give. Worth to buy from imika. 👍👍👍👍
07/11/23 Nurwisah salesman Lenovo flip E300 Friendly sales
Shamirudin, Lenovo ThinkPad T460 Date: 4 Nove 2023 Good Service. Well Done ✅
3 november 2023 Fera dell latitude Best price for laptop.. me as a student really like this place
Zithboy 2/11/2023 Backup & format, upgrade Hdd to ssd
31/10/23 Darious swardee, Terima kasih imika baru beli Dell latitude good services good communication & many freegift,warranty etc
Zithboy 30 oct 2023 backup and format upgrade hdd to ssd
30 oct 2023 Ferra Dell latitude 7490 Best price !
Zithboy (29.10.23) Backup n format. Hdd upgrade 256GB
28/10/23 Nurwisah purchase lenovo thinkpad Mantap!!!👍
Sales darious swardee Model asus new box Date 27 oct 23 Service all superb ✨
Shamirudin Lenovo thinkpad i7 27/10/23
ZITHBOY MODEL LAPTOP : LENOVO THINKPAD T460 Date :26/10/23 Tq imika for service👍🏻
26/10/23 ferrafazira /LENOVO THINKPAD t450 laptop bagus (Translated by Google) 26/10/23 ferrafazira /LENOVO THINKPAD t450 nice laptop
Sales darious awardee Model dell 3450 Date 24 Oct 23 Tq imika labuan
Zithboy 21.10.23 Format and backup. Upgrade hdd to ssd
Sales darious Model dell latitude 3450 Date 21.10
Sales Nurwisah 21 oct 23 Lenovo x270 Alhamdulillah service ok dan mantap 😁😍
sales darious swardee model dell latitude 7390 date 20.10.23 Urusan senang dan cepat
Zithboy 20.10.2023 Backup and format , upgrade ssd
Tech:zithboy 19.10.23 Repair laptop HP probook
Salesperson Nurwisah 19 OCT 23 DELL CHROMEBOOK service terbaik tq imika LABUAN
Tech Ahmad Syukri good services for changing my old battery to new one tq so much 18/10/2023
Sales darious swardee Model cpu i5
Shamirudin, LENOVO Think Pad T460 15 OKT 2023 Servis dan layanan yang mesra, sistem pemasaran yang lancar.
SALESMAN NURWISAH 15/10/23 HP CHROMEBOOK First time datang sini , pekerja semua sangat ramah . Good Service 100% . Laptop in good condition dan overall mantap . ❤... More
SALESMAN NURWISAH 15/10/23 HP CHROMEBOOK First time datang sini , pekerja semua sangat ramah . Good Service 100% . Laptop in good condition dan overall mantap . ❤ Less
Sales darious swardee Model hp elitebook g3 amd Thank you darious
Salesman: Shamirudin Model laptop : Dell latitude 3450 i5 Date : 14/10/2023 Good and fast service TQ imika Labuan.
Salesman.Shamirudin Model Laptop: Lenovo Thinkpad 11yoga E. Date: 12/10/2023 Proses cepat, penerangan yang jelas , tq imika labuan.
Salesman nurwisah 11/10/23 Lenovo ThinkPad 11E Barang baik👍 (Translated by Google) Nurwisah salesman 11/10/23 Lenovo ThinkPad 11E Good stuff👍
Sales darious swardee Mode lenovo 11e Tq imika labuan
Sales darious swardee Model dell latitude 5400
Nurwisah 10/10/23 Lenovo Thinkpad 11E Best price and deals
Zithboy 8.10.23 Format n backup
Tech ZitHBoy 8.10.2023 back up and format Fast response, good services. Staff so helpful in making decision.
Fera 8 oktober 2023 lenovo 11e touch screen very good seller
Tech Ahmad Syukri Format & change new SSD 7/10/2023 Good service Also friendly And give a proper explanation
Ferra 7oct2023 lenovo 11e touchscreen Tq IMIKA Labuan Harga terendah👍 (Translated by Google) Ferra 7oct2023 lenovo 11e touchscreen Tq IMIKA Labuan Lowest price👍... More
Ferra 7oct2023 lenovo 11e touchscreen Tq IMIKA Labuan Harga terendah👍 (Translated by Google) Ferra 7oct2023 lenovo 11e touchscreen Tq IMIKA Labuan Lowest price👍 Less
Ferra 04/10/2023 Dell E-5400 Mantap sekali! tq imika
Ferra Dell latitude e7470 02 Oct 2023 Best price ! I like 😍
Nurwisah 30/9/23 lenovo thinkpad x280 mantappppp
Salesman: Shamirudin. Model laptop: Dell Chrome Book Date: 30/09/23 #good service #friendly staff #will come again to buy thank.