based on 22 reviews
Хочу поделиться с вами , кто заглянул на эту страничку , своим опытом… Меня зовут Елена, я обратилась к доктору Еве за помощью, когда перестала ощущать свои мышцы, казалось , я что кости отделялись от мышц …усталость бесконечная, вставала по утрам будто и не спала… плечевые суставы, бедренные суставы хрустели по утрам… болевые ощущения при ходьбе , работе… Говоря проще я ощущала себя старше свое... More
Хочу поделиться с вами , кто заглянул на эту страничку , своим опытом… Меня зовут Елена, я обратилась к доктору Еве за помощью, когда перестала ощущать свои мышцы, казалось , я что кости отделялись от мышц …усталость бесконечная, вставала по утрам будто и не спала… плечевые суставы, бедренные суставы хрустели по утрам… болевые ощущения при ходьбе , работе… Говоря проще я ощущала себя старше своего возраста…депрессивное состояние уже стало нормой… Моя замечательная доктор , проведя необходимое обследование предложила мне гормональную терапию… бытовало мнение , что гормоны, искусственно введенные непременно ведут к набору веса, что меня несколько настораживало… но я рискнула!!! Уже через неделю я почувствовала себя лучше!!! Сегодня почти два месяца после процедуры : я ощущаю себя так, будто родилась заново : тело - энергичное , сон- полноценный, даже, если я ложусь очень поздно, а у меня это почти каждый день! У меня пропало желание есть много, как раньше! Я снова на коне!!!🙏❤️БРАВО МОЕМУ ДОКТОРУ, ЕВЕ👏👏👏🙏❤️ Less
Pour ma part, j'ai été très déçue. Aucun suivi, rien du tout. Un docteur qui parle comme si nous étions une équipe, mais qui ne répond jamais, et une secrétaire absolument débordée. La perte de temps à appeler ou à écrire est également à prendre en compte. Si vous voulez payer sans recevoir de service, allez-y ! Personally, I was very disappointed. No follow-up, nothing at all. A doctor who talk... More
Pour ma part, j'ai été très déçue. Aucun suivi, rien du tout. Un docteur qui parle comme si nous étions une équipe, mais qui ne répond jamais, et une secrétaire absolument débordée. La perte de temps à appeler ou à écrire est également à prendre en compte. Si vous voulez payer sans recevoir de service, allez-y ! Personally, I was very disappointed. No follow-up, nothing at all. A doctor who talks as if we were a team but never responds, and a secretary who is completely overwhelmed. The time wasted calling or writing is also worth noting. If you want to pay without receiving any service, go for it! Ps: you are answering here but not to my emails?! Obviously image is more important them efficiency, I asked you to add the progesterone check and you simply said no, so i had no option of going somewhere else, where they gonna check what have to be checked. You were not professional at all, I have much patience, and all the communication with you was a disaster. Less
I began consulting Dr. Chadnova for a number of perimenopause symptoms which my doctor had been unable to resolve. For the last 4-5 years, my health both physical and mental really were on the decline and I’d had to take medical leave from work twice. I had no energy, felt completely drained physically and emotionally and would get overwhelmed easily by things which in the past I would have been... More
I began consulting Dr. Chadnova for a number of perimenopause symptoms which my doctor had been unable to resolve. For the last 4-5 years, my health both physical and mental really were on the decline and I’d had to take medical leave from work twice. I had no energy, felt completely drained physically and emotionally and would get overwhelmed easily by things which in the past I would have been able to handle. I was feeling anxious for no reason. I would need to sleep a lot and felt more and more like there had to be a solution. I did not want to live the rest of my life like this. I decided to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chadnova and she ordered very thorough bloodwork to see what was going on. She initially put me on a very high dose of vitamin D and had me take iron. Then we added a low dose of testosterone. Fast forward a few months and I feel so much better!! I feel like I’m getting my energy back and I can finally do the things I used to enjoy doing. Weekends are no longer spent sleeping. I am able to wake up in the morning on my own without feeling completely anxious and overwhelmed. I wish more women and doctors understood the importance of checking hormones and doing more thorough bloodwork before trying to push antidepressants on women. Within two months of beginning the Vit D, iron, oral progesterone and testosterone, I began to see a significant improvement in my physical and mental health. It makes me sad to think that I “lost” years of my life where I was basically just working and sleeping. I had to decline so many invitations. I missed out on so much. Medical schools need to do a better job of educating doctors on women’s health. Hormone management is an essential component to our health. If it wasn’t for Dr. Chadnova, I would not be able to live a more fulsome life. I’d just barely be getting by on a day to day basis. And that’s no way to spend the last half of my life. I’m so grateful to Dr. Chadnova. Her assistant Barbara is a real gem! Love her! Less
Printemps After my initial consultation with Dr. Chadnova, I made the decision to purchase the Prevention and Longevity Membership. I was touched by the doctor's interest in not only my physical health history but my mental health journey as well. Chadnova has a PHD in neuroscience as well as her MD-and it shows in her approach to us as patients. I felt so comfortable, heard and seen by a heal... More
Printemps After my initial consultation with Dr. Chadnova, I made the decision to purchase the Prevention and Longevity Membership. I was touched by the doctor's interest in not only my physical health history but my mental health journey as well. Chadnova has a PHD in neuroscience as well as her MD-and it shows in her approach to us as patients. I felt so comfortable, heard and seen by a health professional for the first time in a long time. I know I am in good hands and I have learned so much about my health and aging process. You will find yourself inspired to take better care of yourself after committing to the goals Dr.Chadnova guides you through. It's so imperative for women on our menopausal journey to do as much as we can to stay strong and vital. The people who love you and depend on you to stay healthy will thank you. Less
Expérience extraordinaire et exceptionnelle. J’étais dans un état pitoyable avant de consulter Dr Eva Chadnova. Elle a changé ma vie, j’ai retrouvé mon énergie et ma santé. Je lui suis tellement reconnaissante avec son savoir et ses traitements. Je la suggère fortement, elle offre un service très humain et elle est à l’écoute de ses patients. Merci infiniment à vous Dr Chadnova... More
Expérience extraordinaire et exceptionnelle. J’étais dans un état pitoyable avant de consulter Dr Eva Chadnova. Elle a changé ma vie, j’ai retrouvé mon énergie et ma santé. Je lui suis tellement reconnaissante avec son savoir et ses traitements. Je la suggère fortement, elle offre un service très humain et elle est à l’écoute de ses patients. Merci infiniment à vous Dr Chadnova Less
Super efficient, open to all questions, super friendly. The overall care- plus always fair!
Very nice people, friendly, efficient and very knowledgeable … thankful to have them along on my journey to optimal health🫶
Just love the longevity perspective & service.
The service is great. Dr Chadnova went over my file in great detail and gave me a lot of info about my health as well as guidance for a healthy lifestyle.... More
The service is great. Dr Chadnova went over my file in great detail and gave me a lot of info about my health as well as guidance for a healthy lifestyle. Less
I'm very happy with my recent Co2 treatment around my eyes. Great experience at Clinique Printemps! Dr Chadnova is professional , knowledgeable, and really good.... More
I'm very happy with my recent Co2 treatment around my eyes. Great experience at Clinique Printemps! Dr Chadnova is professional , knowledgeable, and really good. Less
c'est une clinique composée de médecins et de professionnels expérimentés. Vous allez faciliter votre vie ,parce que vous rencontrez les experts et vous aller obtenir trés vite soulagement merci beaucoup pour docteur Eva... More
c'est une clinique composée de médecins et de professionnels expérimentés. Vous allez faciliter votre vie ,parce que vous rencontrez les experts et vous aller obtenir trés vite soulagement merci beaucoup pour docteur Eva Less
I recently visited Dr. Chadnova’s clinic, and I could not be happier with the service I received. The staff were incredibly nice and caring, and they made me feel comfortable and at ease throughout my entire visit. The location of the clinic is also very convenient, and it was easy and fast to book an appointment and meet with the doctor. This was a refreshing change from the long wait times I ha... More
I recently visited Dr. Chadnova’s clinic, and I could not be happier with the service I received. The staff were incredibly nice and caring, and they made me feel comfortable and at ease throughout my entire visit. The location of the clinic is also very convenient, and it was easy and fast to book an appointment and meet with the doctor. This was a refreshing change from the long wait times I have experienced at other medical facilities. I had a situation where I needed medical attention urgently. The hospital I went to did not consider it an emergency as it was not life-threatening. My family doctor's clinic though suggested me to go to the hospital as it seemed to them requiring urgent attention but mentioning that they are not emergency clinic and I need to wait for about a month and a half to be seen. Thanks to prompt attention and care of Dr. Chadnova, I was able to get the treatment I needed in a timely manner. I was also impressed with her follow-up which was beyond expectations. I highly recommend Dr. Chadnova to anyone looking for a caring and efficient doctor. Less
Le Dr Chadnova a rapidement résolu mes problèmes dermatologiques. Elle est très à l'écoute et m'a fourni des explications détaillées sur ma condition et sur sa procédure de traitement (et sur ma santé en général). Je la recommande vivement !... More
Le Dr Chadnova a rapidement résolu mes problèmes dermatologiques. Elle est très à l'écoute et m'a fourni des explications détaillées sur ma condition et sur sa procédure de traitement (et sur ma santé en général). Je la recommande vivement ! Less
Very professional and nice stuff!!Good service, great location!!Can't wait to see results after the co2 laser treatment!!
Excellent service!!! Got an appointment for a CIMT done because I am at risks of strokes, and Dr. Chadnova provided clear explanations and recommendations on how to improve my health and some fun habits I can add into my daily life that would help along with my new medications.... More
Excellent service!!! Got an appointment for a CIMT done because I am at risks of strokes, and Dr. Chadnova provided clear explanations and recommendations on how to improve my health and some fun habits I can add into my daily life that would help along with my new medications. Less